Recipe from Slovenia:Tuna slices wrapped in Turnip and Algaes Sauce

Janez Bratovž is the chef of the Restavracija JB in Ljubljana and he has send us this recipe to serve on a plate with a cherry, a piece of rhubarb and grapefruit, adding tuna slices and algaes sauce. Decorate with cress.


360 g of tuna fillet

300 g of turnip

1 dl of apple vinegar

1 table spoon of sugar

1 dl of white wine

2 leaves of Nori algae

0,6dl of light soy sauce

0, 3 dl of olive oil

0, 2 dl of rice vinegar

Salt, pepper

4 cherries

10 g of ginger

80 g of rhubarb

A half of red grapefruit

1 tablespoon of sugar


Slice the tuna into stripes, peel the turnip and cut into paper thin slices using a sharp knife. Marinate the slices in vinegar, sugar and white wine and let it rest in the marinade for an hour.

Soak the algae in the soy sauce, olive oil and rice vinegar for half an hour, and then mix it all together with a hand-held blender.

Cook the cherries with a little sugar and grated ginger. Cook the sugar in a small quantity of water, set aside and add peeled and sliced rhubarb. Let it chill.

Peel the grapefruit and cut it into slices that should be cooked rapidly with a bit of sugar. Chill.

Take the turnip and wrap tuna slices in it. Cut into slices.


Serve on a plate with a cherry, a piece of rhubarb and grapefruit, adding tuna slices and algae sauce. Decorate with cress.

Janez Bratovž

Slovenia – Ljubljana

Restavracija JB

Miklošičeva 17, 1000 Ljubljana




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