«Soy un hombre de familia», Alfredo Muñiz

Family Man by Mike Oldfield

She had a sulky smile,
She took a standard pose as she presented herself.
She had sultry eyes,
She made it perfectly plain that she was his for a price.

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!»
He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

She wore hurt surprise
As she re-checked her make-up to protect herself.
She showed less than pride,
She made it totally clear that she was his for a price.

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!
Please just leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

She gave him her look
That would have worked on any other man in sight.
He could not mistake,
She wanted to go back with him and spend the night.

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!
Please just leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

She turned, tossed her head and then
She started to make her final exit line.
She showed real disdain,
As if explaining again she could be his for a price.

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!»
He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!»
He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

But he said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!»
He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might….»

He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!»
He said, «Leave me alone, I’m a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might!»


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